AVA awakens the superhero spirit in October with its...
Imaginative events, new global trends, useful information and reading that develop style and bring NEW OPPORTUNITIES!
AVA your autumn destination
Summer is over, but that doesn’t mean that AVanturam...
City line 70 will drive to our AVA shopping park
Dear friends, we have good news. From 1.9. City...
Get ready for school with great discounts
Back 2 school shopping weekend While your kids are...
School starts, the fun continues
Dear parents, dear schoolchildren, a new chapter is approaching...
The music record and discs stock exchange is waiting for you in AVA Shopping Park
Big music record exchange, a unique musical event...
Sea Stories and Adventures in July at AVA Shopping Park
This July, we have invited mermaids, captains of long...
The music record and discs stock exchange is waiting for you in AVA Shopping Park
Big music record exchange, a unique musical event for...
Take a break, refresh, charge your batteries, enjoy the summer discounts
Are you passing through our country on your way...